María Paredes Fernández

Language Specialist

What María Paredes Fernández does: María teaches in a variety of programs across the university. She also teaches in the short-term institutes and custom programs.

Experience: María is a multiple award-winning lecturer who has over ten years of experience teaching languages. Her interests include second/foreign language pedagogy and best practices, and has presented at ACTFL, AATSP, NECTFL, NEALLT, and NILOA. Additionally, she was a program reviewer for ACTFL/CAEP.

Travels: She has traveled to Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Argentina, Uruguay, and Cuba. She has studied in Salamanca, Spain and taught in Alicante and Madrid, Spain, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Tokyo, Japan.


  • EdD candidate in Educational Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
  • MA in TESOL, University of Delaware
  • BA in Hispanic Linguistics and International Relations, The Pennsylvania State University

Talk to María about: Language pedagogy, intercultural competence, online courses, and Philadelphia (she was born and raised in the area)